giving coral reefs a future

our mission: creating and sharing the tools and technologies to sustainably restore coral reefs worldwide

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Education Material Coral Reefs

Tag icon Education
  • Talking reef ecology at the boot, Düsseldorf (SECORE)
  • Busy reef at the boot, Düsseldorf (SECORE)
  • Coral Heroes launch on Curacao with our partners at Carmabi (Carmabi Education)
  • Playing the Reef Game at the boot, Düsseldorf (SECORE)
  • Educating about corals at the Sustainable Market, Curacao (Paul Selvaggio)
You can play The Reef Game, take a look at our reef ecology appetizer-lesson, read the 'Coral Heroes' Comic and get a lot of thrilling info about the fascinating realm of corals reefs!

Play the Reef Game!

Revive your reef by pinning corals, fish and other reef animals on a devastated reef background. You need a metallic clip board/chart where you fix the devastated reef background to; you may want to adjust its size to your board's size when printing it (download ready to print file, see below).

Then you need as many magnetic clamps as you want creatures in your reef (download ready to print reef creatures, see below). Cut out the corals and reef creatures and fix them on the clamps; we use double-sided adhesive tape instead of glue. Ready to go!

You may want to play the game just as it is, enhance the gaming level by introducing the different animal groups (corals, grazing fish, predatory fish, anemonies, and more; download ready to print list, see below) or do it as a 'blind man's buff' game :-)


Would you like to know more about corals and reefs?

You can learn more about coral reefs with our short educational lesson compiled in a presentation: Do you know corals? and additional information, including book suggestions and links, please see below!



Lost Cities - an Interactive Documentary

Watch this amazing interactive documentary about coral reefs, produced by CaracanLab and Ruth Gates. It reveals the hidden lives of corals - from the stunning, rarely-seen inner world of a single coral to the massive reef structures viewable from space. The documentary is based on 13 short films that can be watched in any order. 


Meet Lorac by Neus Figueras - a book for teens and adults

"...When you meet him, you’ll think he’s just a boy who lives on a boat. But if you go a little deeper, you will discover that Lorac is the boy adopted by the ocean—its voice and unwilling hero." You can get Lorac as e-book or on paper, check out more info about the book and how to order it.Enjoy reading!


Other Sources 

EncounterEdu provides school materials that are fitted to US and UK school standards, they may be used in a more freely context for any school lesson: Coral live &Teaching Materials.

Get to know our Coral Heroes and join them on their adventures on the reefs of Towabonga!

You can read this educational Comic in 8 languages!

Meet our supporters

SECORE's lead partners are:

Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium
The Builders Initiative
The Ocean Foundation

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