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Seminar at the Xavier University – WS Philippines

- Philippines 2015
The seminar day at the XU University was a special come together. Students and scientists of university faculties all over the Philippines were present. They were joined by representatives of national and regional BFAR, DENR, the Macajalar Bay Alliance―an extraordinary alignment itself―as well as dive associations, and other NGOs and authorities.

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We were warmly welcomed by Ruth M Tawantawan, CESO IV (regional executive director, DENR region 10) and by Hon Oliver L Ubaub (Chairperson Macajalar Bay Alliance, municipal mayor Laguindingan, Misamis Oriental).

Subsequently, Hilly Ann Roa-Quiaoit (Xavier University), Dirk Petersen and Carin Jantzen (both SECORE), talked about coral restoration efforts in general and in the Philippines, SECORE's aims and goals, and introduced Coral Spawning Watch, our citizen science project on iNaturalist.

We are happy to announce the participation of the following parties, presented in alphabetic order:

Bohol Island State University - Candijay Campus, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) region 10, De La Salle University, Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) region 10, Dive Special, ENRO –  Misamis Oriental, Fled Dive Center, Jose Rizal Memorial State University, Local Government Unit (LGU) – Alubihid, LGU – Balingasag, LGU – Bukidnon, LGU – Cagayan de Oro, LGU – Lagonglong, LGU – Laguindingan, LGU – Salay, LGU – Tagoloan, LGU – Villanueva, Midway Resort, Mindanao State University – Naawan, Mindanao State University – Sulu, Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium, Pueblo de Oro Development Corp., Samdhana Institute, SECORE Foundation, Steinhart Aquarium, Underwater World Guam, University of Northern Philippines - Vigan, University of Philippines - Visayas Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanology, Visayas State University, Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan

A closing message was given by Visa Tan-Dimerin (CESO V Director, BFAR, region 10) and Ms Sandra Victoria R Arcamo (Chief, Fisheries Resource Management Division, BFAR, National), respectively, and despite the important topic, both did not miss a joke and a smile to cheer up the audience.

This is also an opportunity to send special thanks to Gertrude 'Bing' Garcia and Friday 'Teddy' Atilano for their relentless logistic support in any sense (hope you have some free days soon...), as well as to Johnny 'Ding' Cabreira for his general support of the project and for spreading the word!
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This was only made possible with the commitment of a very special person: Hilly Ann Roa-Quioait, advocate of coral reef conservation, mother of the giant clams, and with the great ability of bringing together all concerned parties―officially Vice-president of RSO (Research and Social Outreach) at the XU. Lucky us, she is our lead cooperation partner in the Philippines.

After spending 10 years in research, Hilly decided to shift to 'solution science', applying science and passing on what you have learned to start and promote conservation efforts. “You have to re-marry research and outreach”, explains Hilly, “you need the science to back-up your efforts, otherwise people would not believe you here. And you have to involve everybody who cuts a figure, you have to create a very social approach―socio-economics are of course part of the story.” Working with so many parties and people takes it time, but its the only approach that leads to success, Hilly assures.

“We are now into integrated coastal management, bridging social and natural science”, she explains. “In 2009, we founded the Macajalar Bay Alliance, involving 14 'Local Goverment Units', which is based on a shared MoU.” The Alliance is at present self-operating with Hilly functioning as an adviser. Her efforts are evolving as the Bay Alliance is now extended to the whole drainage area of the bay. “We founded the 'ridge to reef', our river basin alliance, to address sources that affect the bay, but come from outside. We have a big problem of heavy siltation within the bay. With this effort we aim at reducing river run-off by identifying hotspots of erosion and opposing them by directed planting.”

The XU Marine Center has an award-wining program, where students are trained and pass on their knowledge by teaching basic marine conservation at public schools, which have usually a relatively poor education status in the Philippines. “We are in urgent need to reach the young ones”, stresses Hilly, ”as we live on an archipelago, where marine conservation should concern everybody. And we marine scientists are an endangered reef ourselves”, she adds with a smile. We hope that the students, which joined our workshop lectures, may take up the call, with some of them being the next generation of marine conservationists, helping to sustain natural resources in the Philippines for the future.

Regarding SECORE, our cooperation with XU is planned to continue in the future as well. Hopefully together with the participation of other universities in the Philippines and with the respective authorities, and, last but not least, with our SECORE partners abroad!

Hilly, it was great to having us at your Marine Station, heartfelt thanks from the SECORE team!
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Meet our supporters

SECORE's Hauptunterstützer sind:

Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium
The Builders Initiative
The Ocean Foundation

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