giving coral reefs a future

our mission: creating and sharing the tools and technologies to sustainably restore coral reefs worldwide

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rOcean joins mission to restore coral reefs

- Announcement
rOcean, creator of an innovative built-in smart water device, has joined our mission to conserve and restore coral reefs. The company aims at protecting our oceans from plastic bottle pollution and will donate a percentage of every single purchase of their water device to SECORE.

Every minute, a million plastic bottles are bought around the world and the number will jump another 20 percent by 2021, reported The Guardian in summer 2017. Environmental activists predict that this huge number will create an environmental crisis as serious as climate change, because efforts to collect and recycle the bottles are failing to keep up. In the meantime, these bottles will continue to pollute our land and our oceans.

The US company rOcean, founded by Mohini Boparai and Sunjay Guleria, aims at protecting the world’s oceans from plastic pollution. “With the birth of our first son we were compelled to make a difference. Dedicated to eliminating single-use plastic bottles that are causing a negative impact, we designed an innovative smart water device that not only filters but also carbonates and flavors tap water by means of a patent pending reusable pod”, says Sunjay Guleria, co-founder of rOcean. All customers need to provide is a cup, glass, carafe or reusable bottle, sparing them from buying bottled water.



Photo: rOcean One — the world’s first all-in-one countertop device that filters, flavors, and carbonates water directly from the tap (rOcean)

Now rOcean has expanded its effort to fight against plastic pollution. On World Ocean Day, June 8th, the company joined in a partnership with SECORE International to support worldwide coral reef conservation and restoration. rOcean will donate a percentage of every single purchase of their smart water device SECORE.

“When we discovered the devastation and degradation of plastic pollution on coral reefs we knew we had to do something constructive and meaningful. We could not ignore the statistics. Mohini and I are fully committed to making a significant influence on single-use plastic bottles and coral reef health”, says Sunjay Guleria.

The financial support will help SECORE International to fund its Global Coral Restoration Program. The project aims to study and apply coral restoration techniques and practices on a larger scale, integrating coordinated conservation, education and outreach efforts. SECORE and its partners have set the goal to outplant one million corals within the next few years.

To learn more about everything rOcean is doing and more about their innovative device, visit them here:


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SECORE's lead partners are:

Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium
The Builders Initiative
The Ocean Foundation

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